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‘With the coming of Islam, the Qur’an addressed poetry directly: poets were generally hypocrites in that their high words were not reflected in their deeds and poets had a certain moral decay which included often being braggarts and liars. It is in this environment of respect for the spoken word that the Qur’an, and Islam as a whole, was revealed. Such was the high regard for poetry that seven poems, known as the Mu‘allaqat (‘the suspended ones’ on walls of the Ka‘bah) came to be distinctly revered for their eloquence and majesty. This was often done on the spot, with no preparation, with the onlookers deciding the winner. Poets would compose words to laud or to satirize, to praise or defame. The words of a poet could instigate or cease a tribal war. Each tribe held their greatest poet up high, with reputations won and lost in direct verbal combat. In pre-Islamic times, poetry was the preeminent art form across Arabia. The Mawlid is recited at a time of good news, as well as at the commemoration of someone long passed away.

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In Tarim, Yemen, Mawlid gatherings are held on a daily basis across the vast number of masjids and private homes. This is because we are encouraged to increase our salutations upon the Prophet (saw) on Friday: In many places, these gatherings are held not just on 12th Rabi al-Awwal, but on a weekly basis, especially on Thursday nights after Maghrib. Whether far West in Morocco or East in Indonesia, Mawlid gatherings are united around a similar form - reading the Qur’an, reciting a Mawlid poem, reciting songs of praise upon the Prophet (saw) (Qasaaid), and sharing food. Throughout history, many scholars and poets wrote extensively about the Prophet’s (saw) birth, using the poetic form to allow ease of memorisation and participation in gatherings where Mawlid poems are recited. This poetry falls under the literary category of the Seerah - which is concerned with the events of the Prophet’s (saw) blessed life. Mawlid also refers to a genre of poetry that centres on the period and events surrounding the Prophet’s (saw) birth. This is usually commemorated on 12th Rabi al-Awwal, this date being the opinion of the majority of scholars, as well as the historian Ibn Ishaq (rh).

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However, in the Islamic tradition, Mawlid refers to the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

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This can refer to the birth of anyone, whether man, woman or animal. Mawlid, also referred to as milad or mawlud, linguistically means the time or place of birth. But what is the meaning behind this word and what is the history of these gatherings? We’ve put together an article to answer any questions you might have! What does the word ‘Mawlid’ refer to? This Rabi al-Awwal, many of us will have heard the term ‘Mawlid’ or perhaps the phrase ‘Mawlid gatherings’.

Synonym for expert