Classica nordiska piano new
Classica nordiska piano new

In this module, we look at a few commonly found sequential progressions. Use the forum just to organize your groups. Please do not post your solution on the forum though because it's not permitted. Student-to-student teaching can be very valuable for learning, especially online. For those who really do want to get weekly feedback, I encourage you to organize study groups via the forums to share your results and give each other feedback. As the topics become more complex, options multiply and hence correct solutions multiply and solution sheets become less helpful. This is easier in the beginning of the course than towards the end. I've tried to design these self-assessed assignments so that the videos really prepare you for the them and it is essentially practice of what we learn in the videos. However, that's clearly not possible online. When a class like this is taught at university, it is generally in groups of 20-30 students so students can get personalized feedback. Ideally, I would look at all assignments and give feedback. I use self-assessed assignments in this course as a way to deal with the limits of online learning. I would recommend taking it before you do the other assessment this week, which is a self-assessed chorale writing assignment. There is a quiz designed to help you review the week's concepts. Please note that there are two assignments for the week. (You can always watch the videos at 1.5x or even 2.0x speed, but don't tell the instructor I told you that.) Even something as basic as voicing a chord involves issues of style, and approaches to these issues really give us a better understanding of the perspective of the composers making this music. If that's the case, the videos are still worth watching, I think, because they give a grounding for the thinking behind the music we will explore over these next 6 weeks. This first week might be review for some of you. We talk about voicing of chords, voice leading of root position chords, and texture types. In this first week, we set the foundation for more advanced things to come. Information - Concerts, News,FAQs, Archives. Organs - Electronic (B3 etc.), Pipe, Theatre.


Who's Who - Professional Pianists on Piano World Member Recordings - Non Classical Pianist CornerĮVENTS! Piano Concerts, Recitals, Competitions.įun Stuff! - Parties, Tours, Projects & More.įorum Members Parties, Tours, Cruises, & M. MY NEW PIANO or KEYBOARD! - Share Your Story! Do a search to find out what they have experienced.ĭigital Pianos - Electronic Pianos - Synths &a. There are people on the Forum who have done what you are attempting to do. These skills take many hours of training and practice as well. Once put back together the piano will need regulation and tuning. There is a certain amount of reconditioning work you can do by following a book but rebuilding is a skill set that takes lots of skill and training, tools, practice etc The best advice to give you is to have you get a copy of a rebuilding book like the one suggested, to see how complex piano rebuilding is. You will have false beats and all type of tuning problems. The plain steel wire will have bends and kinks in it and will be close to impossible to get back in the same place it was before destringing. The bass srings pass through agraffes so it is impossible to remove them completely from the piano unless you cut them. Each string can have 150-165 lbs of tension in it. It is extremely dangerous to start taking strings off the piano and it must be done following a certain sequence.There is a tremendous amount of tension in a strung piano. Please consult with a rebuilder before you hurt yourself.

Classica nordiska piano new