How to escape the simulation
How to escape the simulation

how to escape the simulation

Don't expect anything like our universe with matter, energy, time, laws of physics Etc. These are existences totally alien to us. It's not like two giant balls that we can pierce out of one of them into the other. I think these kinds of piercing through universes shows the lack of understanding of what multiple universes would mean. We would disappear if we would crash the sim. I don't know why you would want to crash the simulation cause the simulation is our universe, crashing it would mean the universe ceasing to exist. We will be in one of them but not in the one that we ourselves have built, in another one. So in the end there will be one base reality and many simulated realities.

how to escape the simulation

It just means that when we build one, then it will be the proof that it is possible to build a simulated reality and therefore if it's possible to build one then probably we will build many of them. The fact that we will create simulation s does not mean we will build one and go and live in it.


These piercing through simulations and stuff are fictional movie scenes, not really plausible to give a serious thought on them in my opinion. The bottom line is, if they want to communicate with us they can if not then we forget about communication. Whether we ask them politely or beg them or try to trick them into communicating with us, from our point of view there s not much we can do. Ģ) well they are the same thing in the end because in the end " ONLY" the creators / aliens who created this universe can decide to communicate with us or not. I don't know about Tron legacy etc so can't comment on that. The only way to assume that we would be able to leave this universe would be to assume that it would be possible to separate our consciousness from our physical body and I don't believe that it s possible to do that.

how to escape the simulation

Therefore we exist as beings made up of matter, atoms molecules etc and this matter can not exist in the universe of the creators since theirs is not a physical universe.

how to escape the simulation

There is no matter no laws of physics as we know maybe not even time as we know it. Their universe is nothing like what we have. They can't have the same laws same rules etc. Moving to a higher level universe, like the one where those creators live changes the rules. Our universe with all its rules and properties gives rise to a physical world, a physical universe with matter atoms etc etc. Well I don't think it's correct to assume that various universes would be made up of similar " STUFF". Something with the complexity and power to make our universe is probably wholly unlike anything we can even comprehend.ĪBsolutely, well said. SO if it was made up of matter, it would have to be from this universe and if it was from this universe than it would have to simulate itself etc etc etc. In fact i believe that it can not be anything made of matter at all, cause then it would HAVE TO be a part of this universe since matter itself is created under the circumstances of this unverse. Its nothing like we know in this universe. This is exactly what i mean buy narrow minded views. That we are a simulation in the conventional sense of computers, that the creators themselves are living organisms akin to us, that we might live at the same time-speed as them, that they are fallible enough to make glitches that we'd be able to notice, etc.


So here i agree with you that imagining the computer as a giant pentium and the code as ones and zero s is much to anthropomorphic and honestly too simplistic/ narrow minded view as well. It has to have a different sort of existence. It can not be made up of matter and atoms etc. If we are being simulated and this PHYSICAL universe is the result of the processing of that computer than that computer CAN NOT be physical.


The simulation and the simulator can not made up of the same substrate in my view. I agree that if this is a simulation, the computer is nothing like any computer we know of, and neither is the code anything like the binary code we use in computers. Maybe this s where we think the same way about anthropomorphic assumptions. Now whether they want to or choose to answer is totally up to them and if they choose not to answer then there is probably not much we can do about it. I could just ask them a question in my mind and they would probably know it, since they must have ways to monitor everything in the simulation, which includes our thoughts. So even just thinking about it would be enough to communicate with the creators. If they created this simulation then isnt it logical to conclude that they can also observe and understand whats going on in it? If that s the case they would be capable of understanding our thoughts, ideas, our languages etc etc.

How to escape the simulation